It is Back to School at BayTech!!! We are SO excited to see our students after 16+ months of planning to ensure a safe return to in-person learning 🧡💙🦅 You can also checkout BayTech on KPIX CBS Channel 5 to learn more about what we are doing to ensure a safe and successful back to school experience 🙌
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Back to School
Back to School
Back to School
Back to School
We can't wait to see everyone back on campus with their masks on Monday, August 2nd for the first day of school! 🧡💙🦅😷
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
mask required
Hearing & Vision testing is happening NEXT WEEK! Check your email or contact the BayTech Office to find your grade level's testing date. All students who complete their hearing & vision testing will get a FREE BayTech Shirt 🧡💙🦅
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Hearing and Vision Testing
A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped out at our Campus Beautification event last Friday! 🌳 We are so grateful for our community members who helped us plant our herb garden, spruce up campus and get us ready to kick off the school year in less than 2 weeks 🙌🧡💙🦅
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
campus beautification
campus beautification
campus beautification
campus beautification
We are getting the campus ready for the start of school on Aug. 2nd but we need your help! Join us tomorrow for fun, food and community as we work together during our Campus Beautification event from 11am-2pm to get our campus ready for the start of the new school year 🌳
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
campus beautification
campus beautification
Today our students got to experience our partnership with Higher Ground during a spray painting activity! Higher Ground provides our free after school program for 6th-9th grade students AND elective classes like art 🎨
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
camp baytech
camp baytech
camp baytech
camp baytech
Help us get our campus ready for the 2021-22 school year by joining us for our Campus Beautification Friend-Raiser THIS Friday @ 11am on the BayTech Campus! Plus, get to meet our AMAZING BayTech Staff, enjoy some delicious food and learn more about what BayTech has to offer 🧡💙🦅 We hope to see you there 🌳
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
BayTech Campus Beautification
We are so excited to be meeting our new BayTech Students in person for the first time! BayTech is hosting all new Middle School Students in addition to the 7th grade class (who has never been on campus 😱) during our BayTech Summer Camp 🧡💙🦅 Tie-dying shirts, campus tours and CPM practice have kicked off the week! Stay tuned for photos of our Bowling Field Trip tomorrow 🎳
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
BayTech Summer Camp
BayTech Summer Camp
BayTech Summer Camp
BayTech Summer Camp
Buttercup is over 8 months old and about 650 pounds now. She is eating delicious grain, hay, and TMR (Total Mixed Ration) and continues to live with her herdmates in their pen. When she is two years old, she will give birth to her own calf and join the milking herd just like her mom!
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
TODAY is the start of our 2021 BAYTECH i-Ready Summer Olympics!🏆 All returning 7th, 8th & 9th graders can participate by logging into i-Ready and completing one lesson in Math & Reading OR spend 30 minutes on task in Reading and 30 minutes on task in Math. Questions? Email our Olympic Committee Chair, Mr. Hughes,🧡💙🦅
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
2021 BAYTECH i-Ready Summer Olympics
Our Middle School Orientation for the 2021-22 School Year is TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 26th @ 5pm! 🧡💙🦅 All incoming new Middle School Students and families are invited to attend and will be send more information via email and phone regarding the Zoom Link and meeting information 🙌
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Middle School Orientation
TOMORROW is the FIA and Energy Convertors A-G Quality School Awards Ceremony! We are honored to receive the A-G Quality School Award again this year 🙌Join us in the celebration of other amazing schools that are preparing students for college on May 25th by registering to attend at
over 3 years ago, BayTech Charter School
A-G awards
Thank you Oakland A's for our masks! We are so proud to be a part of the Home Run Readers Program 💛💚🐘⚾️
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Home Run Readers
Home Run Readers
Home Run Readers
We are one week away from our Middle School Orientation for the 2021-22 School Year! Our Middle School Orientation will be Wednesday, May 26th @ 5pm 🧡💙🦅 All incoming new Middle School Students and families are invited to attend and will be send more information via email and phone regarding the Zoom Link and meeting information 🙌
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Middle School Orientation
We had an amazing time celebrating our graduating Class of 2021 yesterday! Thank you to everyone who joined us live and virtually 🙌🎓 If you were unable to participate, you can watch the ceremony using the link below:
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
2021 Graduation
2021 Graduation
2021 Graduation
2021 Graduation
We are only two and a half hours away from our our LIVE Graduation Ceremony at 4pm! Join us by streaming the event LIVELY on our Facebook page,
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
graduation preparation
graduation prep
#TBT to our a few of our graduating seniors that have been with us at BayTech since 6th grade, including our Valedictorian & Salutatorian! Join us TODAY for our LIVE Graduation Ceremony at 4pm streaming on our Facebook page, #ClassOf2021 #Graduation #BayTech #CharterSchool
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Thank you FIA & Energy Converters! We are honored to receive the A-G Quality School Award again this year 🙌Join us in the celebration of other amazing schools that are preparing students for college on May 25th by registering to attend at
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
A-G Awards
We cannot wait to celebrate the AMAZING accomplishments of the Class of 2021 TOMORROW at our Graduation Ceremony! Join us LIVE at 4pm tomorrow on our Facebook page to participate in the ceremony
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Class of 2021
Class of 2021
Class of 2021
Class of 2021
We will be hosting our Virtual Science Fair on TODAY @ 2pm! To RSVP and receive the Zoom Link, please email Ms. Frost,, or Mr. Cagatay, or check ParentSquare 🔬🧪🧬🧑‍🔬
almost 4 years ago, BayTech Charter School
Science Fair